Electronics Engineering

Dream it.

If you have a challenging problem in electronic design, Presco might be the product development firm you need. We have the skills and experience to handle difficult design cycles.

Our focus is on minimizing cost. We do this through algorithm development and aggressive utilization of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). This yields a shorter design cycle, lower cost, and a more reliable circuit.

Build it.

We have wide and in-depth experience across several technologies and market sectors, allowing us to help you maximize your ROI. Our goal is to build it once, validate that it meets your objectives, and put the results in your hands. This is the shortest and least expensive path to a working electronics package.

More exciting projects.

  • Analog circuit design to support all types of sensors: video, acoustic, optical, strain gauge, magnetic, capacitive.

  • Drive electronics for almost anything: servo and stepper motors, high energy print heads, solid state lasers, ultrasonic exciters, thermo-electric coolers, ultra-pure audio.

  • Specialized communication gear such as free-air optical channels, custom RF links, acoustic communications, optical fiber devices.